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Use the following command to create a standalone stack:

(Please ensure you modify the stack name, VPC CIDR, SSH key pair, and region to suit your environment.)


After the standalone stack is successfully created, use the following command to check if the stack is ready:

Code Block
x-install post-install --stack-name=xio-standalone --ssh-private-key-file=my-dev-key.pem --ssh-username=rocky

It might take a few attempts for post-install to pass all system units and containers readiness checks, due to infrastructure readiness latency.


To add an X-Compute node to the newly created standalone EKS cluster, first SSH into the Exostellar Management Server:

Code Block
ssh -i "my-dev-key.pem" rocky@<management-server-public-ip>

On the server, run the following command to add a new node to the EKS cluster:

Code Block
eks-node-cli add -n node-00 -c 1 -m 4096 -p pool-a -r az1 -k xio-standalone

The new node can be verified using the kubectl command:

Code Block
kubectl get node -l

It takes a couple of minutes for the x-compute node to boot and show up.

The output should display the new nodes as ready:

Code Block
NAME                                          STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION   Ready    <none>   4m17s   v1.29.3-eks-ae9a62a

By default, the EKS token used to access the standalone EKS cluster expired after 60 minutes. Following that, all attempts to access the cluster will fail with Unauthorized errors.

To generate a new EKS token and use it with your existing kubeconfig file, run:

Code Block
x-install update-kubeconfig --stack-name=xio-standalone

4. Clean Up

Once the free trial period is over, the entire standalone stack can be deleted with the destroy command:

Code Block
x-install destroy --stack-name xio-standalone


In some cases, Terraform might time out during the destroy process.


If this happens, simply re-run the command to allow Terraform to reconcile its final state.



At this time, all controllers and workers EC2 instances need to be manually terminated.


Additional Help and Support

To explore other subcommands, runuse the following command for a list of available options:

Code Block
x-install help
