(v2.2.0.2) Installing Management Server

(v2.2.0.2) Installing Management Server

Here's an updated installation guide for deploying the Infrastructure Optimizer Management Server using the provided AWS CloudFormation template. Intended for DevOps, System Administrators, and Cloud Engineers, it outlines the process from prerequisites to accessing the deployed instance. Familiarity with AWS services including CloudFormation, EC2, VPC, IAM, and the concept of SSH key pairs is assumed.

CloudFormation Template Installation

Step 1: Preparation

Verify the availability and configuration of the VPC, subnet, and SSH key pair. These resources are crucial for the successful deployment of the Infrastructure Optimizer Management Server.

Step 2: Navigate to AWS CloudFormation

Log in to the AWS Management Console and select the CloudFormation service. CloudFormation facilitates the deployment and management of AWS infrastructure in a structured and repeatable manner.

Step 3: Create a New Stack

  • Select Create stack > With new resources (standard).

  • Select Choose an existing template.

  • Choose to use the Amazon S3 URL, then copy the URL below.

  • Proceed by clicking Next.

Step 4: Specify Stack Details

  • Stack Name: Assign a unique name to your CloudFormation stack, e.g., IOManagementServerDeployment.

Network Configurations

  • VPC ID: Choose the VPC where the head node will be deployed.

  • Subnet ID: Select the appropriate subnet for deployment.

  • Is Subnet Public? Indicate true for public subnets. It is recommended to deploy the head node in a public subnet.

  • Subnet CIDR: Enter the CIDR block for the selected subnet.

  • Shared Security Group ID: Enter the Security Group ID for your EKS or Slurm cluster, or leave it blank.

Instance Configurations

  • EC2 Instance Type: Select a suitable instance type. The default is m5d.xlarge.

  • SSH Key Pair: Select an existing SSH key pair. This key pair will be used to securely access the Management Server.

  • TerminationProtection: We recommend enabling termination protection for your Management Server to prevent accidental deletions or stops.

  • Volume Size: Define the volume for the Management Server. The default is set to 100 GB, which you can adjust based on your needs.

Click Next to continue.

Step 5: Configure Options

This step is optional. Configure any additional stack options such as tags, permissions, and other settings relevant to your organization. Click Next to advance.

Step 6: Review and Deploy

  • Carefully review all configurations to ensure accuracy.

  • Acknowledge the creation of IAM resources by ticking the relevant checkbox.

  • Initiate the deployment by clicking Create stack.

Step 7: Access the Management Server

Upon successful deployment, navigate to the Outputs section of your CloudFormation stack to retrieve access details:

  • ExostellarMgmtServerURL: Access URL for the Management Server. The format varies based on the subnet’s public or private designation.

    • SLURM and APC Admins: note the IP address in this URL:

      • Navigate the AWS Console EC2 Instances page and search for this Public IPv4 address.

      • This will lead to the instance created as the management server.

      • Note the Private IPv4 addresse for this instance: it will be referred to as MGMT_SERVER_IP in Next Steps for slurm Application Envioronments.

  • ExostellarAdminUsername: The initial admin username for the Management Server.

  • ExostellarOptimizerAdminPassword: The initial admin password. Be sure to change this upon your first login for security.


After successful deployment, log in to the Management Server with the provided credentials. You will be prompted to change the admin password. It's also recommended to explore the platform and configure your infrastructure optimization settings as per your organization's requirements.

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