v2.3.9.0 AMI Parsing Error Code Reference LSF
Kevin R. SMITH
Yajing Wang
Parsing an AMI and validating the image’s ability to connect with the HPC scheduler can be challenging task depending on the requirements of the environment.
Note: If SELINUX is not already disabled in the target AMI, it will need to be disabled.
Error Codes from Parsing AMIs
The following table lists error code and information about them.
Code | Error | How To Debug |
Code | Error | How To Debug |
Code | Error | How To Debug |
Code | Error | How To Debug |
1 | Catch all error code for unhandled errors. Added as a safety net in case any unhandled errors occur. | If available, check the logs or script output for more details on the error. This applies to all error codes. |
100 | Could not get metadata, such as SGs, subnet, AZ, and/or could not determine the AMI ID of the AL2 AMI. |
101 | Could not create instance from the AMI that should be parsed. | Potential issues:
102 | Could not get root volume ID of primary instance. | Ensure required IAM permissions for the script are granted. |
103 | Could not boot secondary AL2 instance for EBS based image. | See error code 101, the |
104 | Could not wait for instances to reach ready state. |
105 | Failed to ssh to primary instance. |
106 | Could not get | Some AMIs might mount the |
107 | The wildcard generated from the | Similar to error code 115, inspect the log output for |
108 | Command to find initrd files with the init wildcard failed. | See 107 |
109 | No valid init file could be found. | See 107. If the wildcard is valid inspect an instance booted from the AMI and verify that valid init images are present in the |
110 | Could not change init file permissions. | Check log output to see why changing the permission failed. |
111 | Could not copy init file from booted instance to instance running the script. | Make sure permissions to copy to the local directory are granted. |
112 | Running the script with commands to update the instance failed. | Required
113 | Could not get snapshot of root volume of the booted instance. |
114 | Could not save example create-vm command to file. | Ensure the current user has permission to write files. |
115 | Could not find the | Inspect the log output to see what is logged for |
116 | Caught interrupt signal that terminated the script execution. | N/A |
117 | Could not create JSON manifest file containing all the image information. |
118 | Could not generate tmp SSH key to gain access to the booted instance. | Verify that keys can be generated on the current instance with |