v2.3.5.0 Downloading Configuration Assets for LSF Integration
v2.3.5.0 Downloading Configuration Assets for LSF Integration
Download Scheduler Assets from the Management Server
curl -X GET http://${MGMT_SERVER_IP}:5000/v1/xcompute/download/lsf -o lsf.tgz
If the EnvName was changed (above in Edit the LSF Environment JSON for Your Purposes - Step 2 ), then the following command can be used with your CustomEnvironmentName
curl -X GET http://${MGMT_SERVER_IP}:5000/v1/xcompute/download/lsf?envName=CustomEnvironmentName -o lsf.tgz
Unpack them into the exostellar
tar xf lsf.tgz -C ../
cd ..
mv assets/* .
rmdir assets
chown lsfadmin.root -R ../exostellar