v2.4.2 Generating Savings and Migration Report

v2.4.2 Generating Savings and Migration Report

This section will guide you through the process of generating a savings and migration report using the provided cost calculation script.


Ensure the following Python packages are installed:

  • pandas

  • xlsxwriter

Running the Scanning Script:

Step 1: Check pandas and xlsxwriter are installed. If not, run:

pip3 install pandas xlsxwriter

Step 2: Navigate to the script location and copy over pricing files:

cd /xcompute/slurm/bin/cost_calculation && mkdir -p /etc/xspot/aws-pricing && cp -r ./pricing/* /etc/xspot/aws-pricing/

Step 3: Run the script:

General Usage:

python3 scan.py [options]


  • -l, --logs: Location of log files to parse: must be a directory. (default: /xcompute/logs)

  • -w, --worker: Number of worker processes for scanning. (default: number of CPUs minus one)

  • -s, --start: Start day in UTC (format: YYYY-MM-DD). (default: 30 days ago)

  • -e, --end: End day in UTC (format: YYYY-MM-DD). (default: tomorrow)

  • -n, --num_days: Number of days: start with today or number of days since, and end with end of day today, overriding any -s or -e entry. (default: this parameter is not used)

  • -o, --output: Output file name. (default: ./out.xlsx)


python3 scan.py -l logs/ python3 scan.py -l /var/log/logs/ -s 2024-01-01 -e 2024-02-01 python3 scan.py -l /var/log/logs/ -n 60


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