v2.4.2 Integrating with LSF

v2.4.2 Integrating with LSF

The following manual steps will be replaced with a simplified workflow for command line users and alternatively, the Mangement Console (Web UI) is available for login and configuration as a Web UI.

To ensure optimal setup of Infrastructure Optimizer, please make a note of the following information that will be used during installation and integration.

LSF Installation

  • Please ensure LSF is updated with the latest patch or fix-pack.

  • LSF_TOP : directory where LSF is installed. There should be a conf and a 10.1 directory here. Each has a resource_connector subdirectory but we will primarily focus on ${LSF_TOP}/10.1/resource_connector.

Exostellar Management Server Information

  • MGMT_SERVER_IP : The internal or private IP Address can be found in the CloudFormation Outputs tab.

Facilitating Commands

Variables can be export’d to facilitate copy/paste commands in the next sections of this guide, or source an arbitrary file, for example : . /root/facilitate or source /root/facilitate.


1. LSF Compute Environment Base

2. LSF Master Node Configuration Location

3. LSF Application Environment

4. Customizing the LSF Application Environment

5. Upload LSF Application Environment

6. The Default Profile for LSF Integration

7. Customizing Profiles for LSF Integration

8. Upload LSF Profiles

9. Download Configuration Assets for LSF Integration

10. Resource Connector Requirement: lsb.modules

11. Add Queue and Resource Definitions to LSF

12. Resource Connector Requirement: lsf.conf

13. Resource Connector Requirement: host_providers.json

14. Resource Connector Plugin Requirement: python depencies

15. Restart LSF Services

16. Import LSF Compute AMI

17. Validation of MIgratable VM and LSF Communications

18. Final Validation with LSF Job

19. LSF Knowledge Base

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