v2.4.2 Adding Queue and Resource Definitions to LSF

v2.4.2 Adding Queue and Resource Definitions to LSF

Add New Queue and Resource Definitions to LSF for Resource Connector

  1. Add a new queue to lsb.queues:

    1. cd ${LSF_TOP}/conf/lsbatch/<ClusterName>/configdir vi lsb.queues
Begin Queue QUEUE_NAME = xio PRIORITY = 90 NICE = 20 FAIRSHARE = USER_SHARES[[default,10]] RC_DEMAND_POLICY = THRESHOLD[ [1, 1] [10, 60] [100] ] RC_HOSTS = xiohost RES_REQ = xiohost RC_ACCOUNT = xio DESCRIPTION = xspot NEW_JOB_SCHED_DELAY = 0 REQUEUE_EXIT_VALUES = 99 End Queue
  1. Insert a Queue Declaration as in the collapsible example above.

    1. NOTE: The xiohost strings are required in the queue declaration: this is not modifiable.

  2. Add resources to the Resource Definitions in ${LSF_TOP}/conf/lsf.shared:

    1. Begin Resource RESOURCENAME TYPE INTERVAL INCREASING DESCRIPTION # Keywords ... xiohost Boolean () () (instances from Infrastructure Optimizer) rc_account String () () (account name for the external hosts) templateID String () () (template ID for the external hosts) ... End Resource
    2. Resource Connector leverages xiohost, rc_account, and templateID when provisioning compute capacity.

    3. NOTE: The xiohost string required in this file; this is not modifiable.

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