v2.4.2 v. Restarting LSF Services

v2.4.2 v. Restarting LSF Services

Restart Select Services on the LSF Master

Following directions from the files modified:

  1. su lsfadmin -c "lsadmin reconfig"
  2. su lsfadmin -c "badmin mbdrestart"
  3. su lsfadmin -c "badmin reconfig"
  4. Validate configuration changes with several additional commands:

    1. Verify your new queue exists:

      1. su lsfadmin -c "bqueues"
      2. You should see the queue you defined in the list of available queues.

    2. Verify Resource Connector’s xioProvider has templates available for job run:

      1. su lsfadmin -c "badmin rc view -c templates -p xio"
      2. Resource Connector cycles every 30 seconds by default, and this command may need to be rerun after 30 seconds.

      3. You should now see as many templates defined in the output as PoolNames were configured in earlier steps.

LSF and Resource Connector are now configured for use with Exostellar’s Infrastructure Optimizer.

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